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2. First Things First

Some may be asking: "Do I really need training to do this? I already know how to pray!"

Some may be asking: “Do I really need training to do this? I already know how to pray!” The simple answer is “Yes!” In my (Todd) experience of doing prayer outreach for over ten years is that we all need to learn how best to engage with others in an effective and fruitful way. I have observed and trained many fellow believers in this model of outreach. Many of those who are just starting out will do things that are “religious” but not helpful in connecting people with God. We need to start out in humility and continue to be learners if we are to be effective. Let’s begin there.

In the section under “Adopt a School” we present the six basic steps to getting started. Clarifying comments and insights follow each step.

 1. Pray - Pray and ask God to confirm your desire to be a part of this dynamic movement to battle for the next generation of teens.

Are you qualified? If you know Jesus and love Him, and you love people and want to connect them with a loving God, then you are qualified. If you have prayed and the Lord is confirming your desire to begin this outreach, you can rest assured that when He guides, He provides. Remember that our goal is to connect youth with Jesus by using the vehicle of prayer engagement. We are not recruiting people to attend our local church. We are letting them experience the love of Christ and then connecting them to the school’s Christian club on campus. (More on this later).

2. Select a High School - Select a high school near you and contact the school's Christian club advisor. Partner with the club advisor to invite students to join you in after school prayer and plug new believers into the club's fellowship.

Selecting a school is usually about location and proximity to the team that will pray. The real key here is to contact the club advisor (faculty member) of the Christian club on the campus. Almost every public high school has a Christian club (some may have more than one). The club advisor is your key connection with the school. Contact the school office and ask the best way to contact (email) the advisor. Tell them that you want to refer students to their club. They should be more than happy to partner with you by giving you the information about when and where the club meets on campus. This is who the Bible calls the “person of peace.” Luke 10:5-6

3. Team Up with a Prayer Partner - Contact a prayer partner to join you in praying one day a week at the same location and time. "Jesus sent them out two by two."

Team ministry is always better than doing it alone. I have done “prayer booths” alone, but I always try to have at least one partner working with me. We all have different strengths and gifts. Pray for a partner or two who have the same passion to reach out to the youth at your local high school. The beauty of this ministry is that it doesn't take a large group to do it. Two to four people is ideal when doing this outreach, and they only have to commit to about an hour each week! 

4. Read Book - Read Street Level Prayer by Todd Volker, the "How To" on street ministry and our Basic Training page.

I (Todd) want believers to be well equipped in ministry and learn what I have found in doing prayer outreach for many years. Street Level Prayer will help you in this type of outreach, and I hope you will find it useful. By the way, I don’t make any money on my books, as I have priced them as low as Amazon will let me ($5 for paperbacks, $.99 for Kindle). I just want to give away what God has given me.

5. Get Supplies - Buy a Need Prayer? sign. Choose from a Need Prayer? A-Frame sign or Need Prayer? banner for an EZ up or Need Prayer? canopy Bring folding chairs, a journal to jot down prayers, and the school's Christian club info cards to give to new believers.

A sign will tell passersby what you are doing! In some locations an EZ up with Need Prayer? banner is appropriate. In others, just a Need Prayer? A-frame sign (or two) on the sidewalk is all you need. Chairs are helpful if you have a canopy, but most of the outreach will be done on your feet engaging with students as they leave campus. You will need to go to them and ask if they would like prayer. We are active in our approach but not pushy. It is helpful to jot down the student's first name and their prayer request in a journal so you can remember when they come back. The connection cards to the Christian club on campus will have meeting information such as: meeting day, time, and location. This is our main vehicle for continued discipleship for these youth.

6. Set Up and Pray - Set your schedule to pray each week on the same day, at the same time, at the same location. Consistency is the key for an ongoing ministry.

Download the school’s calendar from their website to determine dismissal time and holiday schedule. Pick a day that has a consistent dismissal time (some schools have a varied schedule) and a weekly day your team is free. Your team may primarily consist of retired persons or college students depending on time availability (not everyone is free at 2:50pm on Tuesday!).

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