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4. Love is the Key

We desire that in every conversation and prayer exchange, the students experience the love of Jesus.

We desire that in every conversation and prayer exchange, the students experience the love of Jesus. That experience of love will come first through us as we talk with them. We must treat everyone with respect, even if they are not always respectful. We can show love by being kind, active listeners and asking clarifying questions to let them know we care about what is happening in their lives. Attentive body language is also important. Have an open posture (arms not crossed) and nod in the affirmative as they share their stories. We are here for them, and we want to pray for their heartfelt needs. It is through the prayer exchange they will allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the love of Christ to their spirit. When they say “yes” to the offer of prayer, they are in fact saying “yes” to a touch or revelation from God. 

Here is the exciting thing: When we invite the presence of Jesus into this prayer exchange, He will indeed come and reveal His love for them. Something wonderful happens in that holy moment and Jesus breaks in with His Kingdom of “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). God’s love is the thing we all have been searching for to fulfill our lives. And the number one thing that every human being desires is to be loved. These young people are no exception. They are looking everywhere for that love (in all the wrong places), but when Jesus reveals His love for them, everything changes. This can happen in a 30 second prayer exchange! They might not recognize it fully at first, but when the love of God is made real in them, they will want more. In each of us there is a “God shaped void” that only Jesus Christ can fill. It all begins and ends with the love of God. This is why we do this ministry!

It is impossible to overstate the importance of love that needs to be demonstrated in our ministry. Jesus said the way people will know we are his followers (disciples) is by our love. It is the most important thing we can do, and love should be evident in all our interactions with others, both Christians and pre-Christians. Paul the Apostle makes a very strong case in 1 Corinthians 13 that love is essential in the functioning of all the gifts of the Spirit. If we love people by respecting them, being relational, listening attentively to their story, and asking good questions, that experience of love from us and God is always a win. Love never fails!

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