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7. The Follow-Up and Referral

After the initial prayer, some students are ready to get on their way, and some hang around for something more!

We now come to the point after the initial prayer that we need wisdom as to what to do next. Some of the students are ready to get on their way and that is a clue we are done (for now). If they are still hanging around it might be an indication they want something more. We can ask the next question to see what God wants to do for them next:

"Have you ever accepted Jesus into your heart?"

Wait for their answer. If they are Christians, most will tell you where they attend church and this opens the door to ask them if they attend the Christian club on campus. If not, you can hand them the club's info card. At this point, you can follow up by saying, “We’re here every Wednesday (or the day you’re designated to pray), so come back and tell us how God answered your prayer!”

If they are not a Christian, or not sure, you may want to go to the next step, which is briefly sharing the Gospel and offering them an invitation to receive Christ.

You can start by asking this question: 

“Have you ever had a time in your life where you asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior?”

If not, share the Gospel briefly by saying something like this: 

“You were created by God to have a relationship with Him because He loves you. Unfortunately, we are separated from God because of our mistakes and bad decisions in life. The Bible calls that sin. God sent His Son Jesus to live a perfect life for us and to pay for all our sins when He died on the Cross. He rose from the dead three days later so we could have life forever with Him. We need to surrender our lives to Jesus so that new eternal life can start - Right now!

Would you like to do that with me right now? It’s a simple prayer; you can repeat after me, so you can begin to follow Jesus from this day onward.” 

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