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8. Leading Them to Christ

In the sending of the Twelve and the Seventy-Two, the disciples were instructed by Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God, or in other words, the Good News or the Gospel.

Although, I have covered “Leading Someone to Christ” in my book, Street Level Prayer, I do want to review this important area of ministry. In the "sending of the Twelve and the Seventy-Two", the disciples were instructed by Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God, or in other words, the Good News or the Gospel. The Kingdom of God (or what Matthew calls the Kingdom of Heaven) is the primary message that Jesus preached. Jesus is King (Jesus is Lord and not Caesar), and where he reigns, is where the Kingdom is. Helping people come to faith in Christ is facilitating their allegiance to the true King of Kings. The words of Jesus are “full of the Spirit and life” and the Father will use these words to bring people to salvation in Christ Jesus (John 6:63,65). When we proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, there is power to bring salvation to the hearers. When people respond, it is a simple matter to have them pray to confirm what is already going on in their spirit. 

I use the A-B-C-S just to help guide the prayer. You can’t really get this wrong because rebirth is already happening in them.  Lead them in a prayer to: Admit you need Jesus to save you from your sin. Believe that he died on the cross to pay for your sin and rose from the dead to give you life. Commit your life to now following Jesus as your King. Ask him to fill you now with the Holy Spirit so you can live out your purpose in his Kingdom.

Here is a sample prayer of leading a student to receive Christ:

*Each line is repeated by the student, just like saying a vow.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you love me.

I Admit I have made mistakes and some bad decisions.

I have sinned against You, myself, and others.

I ask you to forgive my sins.

I Believe You paid for my sins on the cross when you died.

I believe You rose from the dead so I might have eternal life.

I Commit my life to following You as my Savior and Lord.

Fill me now with the Holy Spirit of God so I can live this new life.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

(This prayer can take many forms and the one above is just an example.)

How important is this step?

Our human spirit is separated from God by our sin, and this means that our spirit is sick. It is apart from the source of life, the Creator God. Healing the spirit is the appropriation of the power of the cross to Man’s basic problem, alienation from God. It is communicating the love of God in Christ to heal sin and its effects. It is pronouncing the free gift of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, which is appropriated through faith and the receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell in the believer.

IMPORTANT! Then we want to give them an information card to the Christian club on campus. The discipleship process will begin with the club. It is important to get them into fellowship with other Christian students. You may be asking, “Why don’t we invite them to our own church?” There are several good reasons for not doing that. First, we want to get them connected with peers who are already following Jesus. As they make new friends in the club, they will be invited to churches and youth groups. It is very hard for individuals to attend a church where they don’t have a friendship connection. Secondly, we want to avoid appearing sectarian (or cultish) by recruiting them to “our” church. Parents may become concerned or upset that their child is being directed to “another” church. Referring students to the Christian club also gives us a connection with the school and credibility when questioned by staff or other adults when they ask, “Who are you and what are you doing?” In short, referring to the Christian club avoids many potential problems.

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