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Writer's pictureJudi Kenney

Desperate and Fearless

Updated: Apr 9

Happy New Year! We are overjoyed to share that at the end of the 2023-24 school semester (roughly four months), over 1,700 high school teens said yes to receiving prayer. This does not just represent a number, but an outpouring of love and commitment from dedicated volunteers willing to spare an hour a week to reach those in need of a touch from God. It represents financial resources from new supporters and unmeasurable prayers for the ministry. All glory and praise to the One who directs our steps!

The public school's "holiday" break was two, and for some schools, three weeks. By week two, I was itching to get back on the street. I sincerely missed the kids! My heart yearned to connect with them and see how I could share Jesus: The Way, The Truth and The Life with the lost and hurting.

The last day we prayed in December at Corona high school, two girls asked for a Bible but I had none to give out. (Lesson learned: never run out of Bibles!) I was eager to see them again in January. And sure enough our first day back, they returned with a friend and I was able to give out three Bibles. (Lil happy dance!)

Last Wednesday I joined the prayer team at Centennial high school. We set up our "Need Prayer"canopy across the street and a block away from the school. The school is on a very busy street, especially when school lets out. It's 3:30 pm, and we begin to see the flood of teens coming our way, when all of a sudden I see a young man diagonally step into traffic making a beeline to us. I'm unbelievably looking at him as my heart quickens in fear that he's going to be hit by a car. He was fearlessly coming in our direction to ask for prayer!

He comes right up to us and we ask if he needs prayer. He replies, "Yes. I don't want any trouble this year." We ask him a few questions and begin to pray God's protection over his life and family. I got a strong sense his mom needed God's angels to surround her as well. I asked if he knew Jesus and shared Jesus is His best friend and will never leave or forsake him; He is always with you. We reminded him that God loves him. He"sees" him and will protect him because he has asked for it. The young man's eyes were filled with emotion.

He was desperate and fearless enough to cross through traffic to receive what Jesus offers, much like the Woman with the Blood Issue in the Bible.

This is why we do what we do at Operation P.R.A.Y. (Prayer Reaching All Youth) and we are grateful for all of you who support this ministry. You are making an eternal difference in the next generation. To God be the glory! Thank you!

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Cathy Rich
Cathy Rich
Jan 16

Lord, I pray that you would bless this ministry and that more teens would receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior in 2024. Bless Operation PRAY!

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