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Writer's pictureJudi Kenney

Ever Been Harrassed?

Updated: May 22

"Ever been harrassed doing this?" I was asked this question last week by a student after I prayed with him. "As a matter of fact, I have right here at your school on our first day, and I'm not the only one either", was my answer. While this is the most exhilarating and exciting ministry I've ever been a part of, it is true several of us have experienced Luke 6:22 (Blessed are you when men hate you, exclude you, revile you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake; rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven.)

Our first day at the student's high school, the new athletic director approached us quite miffed because he was receiving phone calls that our prayer signs were a distraction to parents picking up their kids. We listened to his complaints about how he was put out by our presence but I was able to tell him the first student I prayed with asked for protection for the school. This young woman feared there would be campus violence (stabbings, street fighting, etc.) like she'd heard about at the other schools in her area.

These are real concerns facing our youth in California schools. Another school we pray at experienced a lock down for three days because a former student threatened to come on campus and shoot faculty and students. It took police and authorities days to locate the man and admit him to a mental facility. We believe through prayer we are striking down demonic forces and bringing the presence and protection of Holy Spirit on campuses.

Ventura Prayer Team: Mike Bailey, Don Decker, Jessica Renteria

Our first day at Ventura high school, three staff members approached us even though we informed the school earlier we would be outside after school on public sidewalk praying with students as they left campus. Two staff were in favor and expressed gratitude; and one was angry. About 30 minutes later, we witnessed a "demonic crazed" man step off a bus 100 feet at the exact time we were praying with the students. All kinds of vile words came out of his mouth and he was extremely animated about his hatred for God. Fortunately, two construction workers came to our rescue and distracted him. That first day we prayed with 52 students, and 8 received Jesus into their hearts! Boy, did that make the enemy mad!

Unfortunately, weekly harassment continues at Ventura high school. One week, a woman approached the prayer team and said it was illegal for them to be on school property. Our teams stand on public sidewalk. Our small A-frame signs are on public sidewalk. It is our constitutional right to speak to whomever we choose. We simply ask students and people walking past us, "Can we pray for you?". If they say no, we respect their answer and move on. We obey the law.

The very next week a female student with the "Coalition Against Religion" group also accused them of "illegal behavior" and threatened if they did not stop she was going to call the police. As before, our team explained they were within their constitutional rights to stand on public sidewalk to pray with people. Thirty minutes later, the assistant principal, a security guard, and a Ventura police officer accused our team of "not allowing students to walk by and they were harassing people." The assistant principal explained that when she receives information like this, it is her responsibility to check it out. She recommended to the team to move across the street. The AP and security guard left but the police officer chatted with our team and expressed appreciation for their efforts.

Two weeks later the team decided to change locations and got even more opposition! When they were setting up the "Need Prayer ?" signs, the neighbor across the street from the school kept yelling, "God is dead!" Shortly after that, two female staff informed our team they could not be at that location and to set up across the street. Our team leader replied they would only reach about 25% of the students and it was more effective to stay where they were. Right after that encounter, the first student they prayed with, gave his life to Jesus! Then three different staff came at other times to tell them to leave. One actually stood 50 feet away and watched the team until they left. Afterwards, the team went back to their car where they were parked in front of the "yelling man" but now he was just staring them down. The enemy was silenced!

No one from our team expressed anger or frustration towards those that opposed them. In fact, one of them said, "The more we showed kindness and a peaceful spirit, the more they got irritated and angry." The Ventura team has prayed with over 100 students; 10 have received Christ into their hearts! That's one hundred students experiencing the love of Jesus! This team knows without a doubt, this is exactly where they should be and these souls are worth any minor harassment they've encountered!

We must remember we are in the battle for the souls of our youth and opposition is to be expected. To date, our teams have prayed with over 2,100 students near fifteen California high school campuses!

We know we're not "fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age; against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 And, so we MUST put on the whole armor of God daily! (Ephesians 6:13-19)

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you...If you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, you will be blessed, for the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you." 1 Peter 4:12, 14

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Mar 15

Awesome job!! Keep up the good work!! It is so amazing… I pray for protection and God touches these student’s hearts and staff and others that come into contact with your prayer teams!

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