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Writer's pictureJudi Kenney

We Are Not Meant To Do This Alone

Updated: Apr 9

We Are Not Meant To Do This Alone 1.30.24Judi Kenney

Agonizing and tormenting suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming and no one should have to battle this on their own. We, the Fellowship of Christ are able to help carry and share these burdens with others. (Galatians 6:2) Yesterday, we were positioned at the right time, at the right place to listen and offer a prayer of love and guidance to a student struggling with suicide.

For several months, we had been trying to gather a team to pray at King High School. We were scheduled to start two weeks ago, but school was closed for the MLK holiday. Then it rained miserably last Monday shutting us out again. Yesterday God's perfect timing became evident.

I'm always a bit nervous starting a new school with a new team on the first day. I simply want them to experience the presence of God right off the bat. We just never know how students might react when they first see our "Need Prayer?" signs and a couple of adults asking to pray for them on their way home from school. You would think I'd be over this by now since God has been faithful to show me "great and mighty things" (Jeremiah 33:3) at every school we've started! And, yesterday was no different! He was Faithful and Holy Spirit was with us from the beginning!

Pam Volker & Judi Kenney

Our new prayer team for King High School is Todd Voelker and Deborah Barker. Unfortunately, Deborah could not be there yesterday; but Pam, Todd's wife was with us. (After Pam's first day, she'll be joining the team too!) The first students we came across were three freshman basketball players. Immediately, Pam recognized one of them as her former student. And, instantly, my nervousness diminished and we were engaged in a lively conversation with them. God is Faithful!

The next student that walked by we asked, "Can we pray for you?" He said, "Yes." Our excitement from the prior students soon wore off when this young man told us he was battling suicidal thoughts. Todd, a former teacher of 23 years was able to ask the right questions in this situation. The student shared he was in therapy and attends a local Christian church. After spending a few minutes understanding his needs, Todd prayed with him and offered more guidance. We let him know about the Christian club on campus, and told him we'd be here every Monday to pray with him stressing God does not want him to do this alone.

After he left, we thanked God we were at the right place at the right time for this young man. A few minutes later, a student needed prayer for her mom's drinking problem. My next prayer was for a student's mom recovering in rehab. And one of our last requests was for a student's step sister that was recently "kicked out" of her home. Our time ended with full hearts; both joyful and heavy sharing the burdens for these students.

Over and over, God is faithful to use our teams to pray for hundreds of students each month. All we have to do is show up; Holy Spirit does the rest! As you see, the needs of these students are great. I ask anyone reading this to share with family and friends to help us find more prayer warriors to join our teams. The goal of Operation P.R.A.Y. is to have prayer teams at every California public high school. First, California, then the nation. Join us one day a week for one hour to save the next generation!

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Deborah Barker
Deborah Barker
Feb 01

To God be the Glory for he is so good..I'm fighting hard with the lord by my side to recover from this accident so that I can be a part of this much needed ministry..May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us and give us wisdom and the words to speak to these next gens who so desperately need the lords guidence..We thank you Heavenly Father for you guidence and your hedge of protection around this ministry..In your precious Name Jesus Amen

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